Aug 1, 20213 min read
Cleaning teeth has a history that has become with time, a science. This science has not only a professional practice technique,...

Jul 16, 20202 min read
Prescriptive Medications & Bad Breath “What’s my Doc doing to me?”
In my years of practice, I have heard this quite a bit, “My breath was fine until that doctor gave me that prescription”. Can...

Jul 10, 20203 min read
Bad Breath & the Military “Where are we going with this, doc?”
Funny you should ask. As a dentist of 40+ years, 26 in the Navy Dental Corps serving what is called the Blue-side Navy, the Naval Special...

Jul 3, 20203 min read
FaceMask Bad Breath A New COVID-19 condition
These last several months have been terrible for everyone. So serious that hospitalization or worst has occurred to many from this CV19....

Jun 27, 20203 min read
Spouses, Divorce and Bad Breath
An earlier article post was about the ugly side of bad breath, suicide, so let's get away from that but still stay serious...bad breath...

Apr 21, 20202 min read
A Toothbrush and Bad Breath
In a scientific research article, the fact that bad breath can be part of a greater health issue does not take away from the problem of...

Apr 20, 20201 min read
Bad Breath Doing Good?…. how can that be?
That sounds strange, doesn’t it? How can Bad breath do good things? In terms of the big picture, bad breath is still bad. Not only does...

Apr 19, 20202 min read
HOLLYWOOD…..all sparkle and glitch or is there bad breath in every kiss you see on screen?
You think we have problems in our daily lives with bad breath? How about being an actor/actress in Hollywood where their reputation,...

Apr 19, 20203 min read
BAD BREATH It’s ugly side…yes, it’s very ugly side
Agreed, no one likes bad breath except maybe our dogs. We can hardly tolerate our dog’s bad breath but we do because there is little they...

Mar 28, 20202 min read
This virus has turned our lives upside down....

Mar 23, 20202 min read
Bad Breath? Me? Really?
Yes, you! 99% of people do not know they have bad breath. The reason is simple because individuals with bad breath suffer from this...